Table of Contents

Contact Us

Head of the Department: Dr. Oded Zinger

Advisor to Undergraduate Students: Dr. Anat Helman

Advisor to Graduate Students: Dr. David Guedj

Department Secretary: Mrs. Iris Nahari
Telephone: 02-5881388
Office hours: Sunday: 11:30-14:30, Monday-Thursday: 10:00-13:00
Humanities Building, room 4409

How does it work?


How do I build a study programme?

First, a glossary:

Introductory course (mavo) – a basic course on the history of the entire period

Beginners’ tutorial (targil le-matḥilim) – a course that teaches how to draw historical conclusions from original sources

Advanced tutorial (targil le-mitkadmim) – a course for second and third-year students, in which a given topic or field is studied in depth

Advanced course (kurs le-mitkadmim) – a course for second and third-year students, in which a topic or field is explored in depth and at greater length

Seminar (seminar) – an advanced course in which a given historical topic is studied, and historical methodology is learned and practiced, including the submission of an independent research project


Years 1-2

  • Students must take introductory courses in all of the historical periods: biblical; Second Temple, Mishnah and Talmud; Middle Ages; Early Modern Era; Late Modern Era.
  • Students must take 4 beginners’ tutorials, in 4 of the 5 periods.


Years 2-3

In the second year, students must choose two periods in which to specialise: a primary and a secondary period. In their primary specialisation, students must take advanced courses and seminars for a total of 8 credits. In their secondary specialisation, they must take advanced courses and seminars for a total of 6 credits.