Oded Zinger studies the history of Jews in the medieval Islamic world, mostly through the documents of the Cairo genizot. Having trained at both Princeton and Jerusalem, after the completion of his doctoral thesis, he was a Perliman post-doctoral fellow at the Center for Jewish Studies at Duke University, a member of a research group on the cultural capital of Jewish women at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies and a fellow at the Martin Buber Society at the Hebrew University. His research combines philological study of Geniza documents together with social and cultural history. His current project revolves around issues of gender and law, for example, how gender shaped the ways ordinary Jews experienced and acted in the dynamic and complex judicial bazaar of medieval Egypt? He is also working on a project on Geniza private letters and how their writers made claims upon their recipients based on gender and kinship. From this project he hopes to develop in the future a larger project on the practices and conceptions of masculinities of Jews in the medieval Islamic world. He is also interested in the popular literature composed and consumed by Jews in the medieval world and how it can be used for social history.