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Head of the Department: Prof. Ram Ben Shalom

Advisor to Undergraduate Students: Dr. Oded Zinger

Advisor to Graduate Students: Dr. David Guedj

Department Secretary: Mrs. Iris Nahari
Telephone: 02-5881388
Office hours: Sunday: 11:30-14:30, Monday-Thursday: 10:00-13:00
Humanities Building, room 4409

Adi Namia Cohen

Adi Namia Cohen
Namia Cohen

Adi Namia Cohen is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her dissertation, supervised by Prof. Miriam Frenkel, deals with food and foodways among Jews in medieval Muslim lands. By studying food, she reveals the daily social, cultural, and religious lives of the Jews and their neighbors, "from market to table". Her research is mainly based on the Cairo Geniza documents as well as contemporary halakhic and medical literature, stories and poems, and traveler accounts. Adi also writes the culinary-historical blog "Eating in Jerusalem" for the Tower of David Museum, exploring food in Jerusalem across the years.