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Head of the Department: Dr. Oded Zinger

Advisor to Undergraduate Students: Dr. Anat Helman

Advisor to Graduate Students: Dr. David Guedj

Department Secretary: Mrs. Iris Nahari
Telephone: 02-5881388
Office hours: Sunday: 11:30-14:30, Monday-Thursday: 10:00-13:00
Humanities Building, room 4409

Prof. Uzi Rebhun

Uzi Rebhun is a demographer. His research focuses on American Jewry and the population of Israel. Utilizing quantitative data through methods from the social sciences he explores topics such as internal and international migration, family and marriage, religious and ethnic identification, social and economic stratification, anti-Semitism, and Israel-Diaspora relations.  His recent books include American Israelis: Migration, Transnationalism, and Diasporic identity (with L. Lev Ari, Brill 2010); and Jews and the American Religious Landscape (Columbia University Press, 2016). His current research is on Israelis in Germany. 

Prof. Rebhun is the Vice-Dean for Teaching of the Faculty of Humanities; and also serves as chair of the Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry.

In the past his was the head of the Honors program "Revivim"; and director of the Cherrick Center for the study of Zionism, the Yishuv, and the State of Israel.